Monday, July 27, 2015


As I have been frantically working towards the opening of my show, I didn't get a chance to update the blog, so here's a belated announcement. I will update with more pictures and information later on. 

The closing party will be on July 30th, between 6-9PM. there will be music and poetry reading, so if you're around please come!

Iris Lavy


New mixed media art at Gallery Gaia, in Brooklyn, NYC

Opening reception: Wednesday, July 1st, 6-8PM 


Closing party: Thursday, July 30th, 6-9PM 

Come celebrate with music and poetry reading! 

"Can We Dump It Into Space?" 

Mixed media, 28"X28"X28" Inches

"New York, Bologna, Letdar, Vancouver"

Mixed Media 58"X48"X3" Inches


 Detail from:" Leviathan"

Mixed Media, approximately 64"X50"X66" Inches 


Gallery location:
79 Hudson Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY
Directions by subway: F train to York Avenue Station

Gallery hours:
Wednesday through Sunday 2-8 PM,
and by appointment.

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