Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Equals Infinity

Size: 72X48 Inches mixed media on canvas
Click image for a larger view

Away, in a way

Size: 24X24 Inches acrylic on canvas
Click image for a larger view


Balhatain said...

I really enjoy the top image. Glad I found your blog. I have a blog as well if you want to check it out. I maintain the Myartspace Blog. Look forward to observing more of your work.

Iris said...

Thank you so much for commenting Brian, and I apologize for taking this long to approve it! I am new to blogging and wasn't aware the 'moderate comments' box was checked! I didn't know there were any comments waiting for my approval! I've changed that now, since I am improving my blog and now comments are posted immediately.

I'm glad you enjoy that painting, I will certainly visit and follow your blog! :) hope to see you again!

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